Seven Marketing Frameworks for Registered Marketing Professionals


Marketing frameworks are tools or models that help businesses and marketers analyze, plan, and execute marketing strategies. The marketing frameworks have been tested and delivered the expected results. Certified Registered Marketing Professionals (RMP) can use marketing frameworks to make sense in the very challenging and complicated business world.

Here are some of the most commonly used marketing frameworks:

  1. SWOT analysis

SWOT stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats. This framework helps businesses identify their internal strengths and weaknesses and external opportunities and threats, which can inform their marketing strategies.

SWOT is a simple yet effective tool in allowing you to maximize your resources by showing you where your strengths are and opportunities. It also allows you to manage your weakness and evade the threats facing your company.

2. The Four Ps ( Marketing Mix)

The Four Ps framework, also known as the marketing mix, includes Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. This model helps businesses plan their product offerings, pricing strategies, distribution channels, and promotional tactics.

The marketing mix model is an effective tactical tool to achieve your marketing strategy.

3. Customer Journey Mapping

Customer journey mapping is the process of visually representing the stages that customers go through when interacting with a business, from initial awareness to post-purchase evaluation. This framework can help businesses identify opportunities to improve the customer experience and optimize marketing touchpoints.

Customer Journey Mapping is rooted in the premise of understanding deeper your customer’s interaction with your brand and making the necessary adjustments to eliminate their pain points when dealing with your company.

4. Porter’s Five Forces:

Porter’s Five Forces framework analyzes the competitive landscape of an industry by looking at five factors: the threat of new entrants, the bargaining power of suppliers, the bargaining power of buyers, the threat of substitute products or services, and the intensity of competitive rivalry.

This framework can help businesses understand the competitive dynamics of their industry and develop effective marketing strategies.

The stiff competition forces companies to find ways to differentiate themselves from their competitors. Porter’s Five Forces is a helpful tool in ensuring that companies can create strategic differentiation.

5. Ansoff’s Matrix

Ansoff’s Matrix is a framework for analyzing growth opportunities by looking at four possible strategies: market penetration, market development, product development, and diversification. This model can help businesses identify potential growth opportunities and develop strategies to pursue them.

Ansoff Matrix is called the product market growth strategy. It has helped a lot of companies in showing them where to grow and expand their businesses.

6. The Marketing Funnel

The marketing funnel is a framework that represents the journey that customers go through from initial awareness to conversion. The funnel typically includes four stages: awareness, interest, desire, and action (AIDA). This framework can help businesses understand how to move customers through the funnel and optimize their marketing efforts at each stage.

AIDA has many iterations but one thing is for sure this tool is effective in allowing you where to pinpoint the effort you needed to exert to convert customers to a sale.

7. Blue Ocean Strategy

The Blue Ocean Strategy framework is a strategic planning tool that helps businesses identify new, uncontested market spaces and create new demand for their products or services. This framework encourages businesses to focus on creating innovative, differentiated offerings that set them apart from competitors.

Blue Ocean Strategy is a revolutionary concept because it allows you to move away from competition and create a temporary monopoly of the market and earn bigger profits. This makes innovation a viable path that does not only benefit the customers but the company as well.

These are just a few of the many marketing frameworks that businesses and marketers can use to analyze, plan, and execute marketing strategies. Choosing the right framework depends on the specific needs and goals of the company.